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Eve 2050
Isabelle Van GrimdeDuration
18 MIN
- without dialogue

We are in 2050, in a world where being human no longer means what we’re used to. The technological and biomedical advances of the last 30 years have changed the status of the body and redefined identities. Some humans have embraced technological advances, augmenting their bodies with artificial devices. Others have preferred to hybridize with other species, making organic and living material their own technology. Still others cherish and honour the original body, refusing any modification or lacking the means for enhancement. A symbolic character, of all cultural origins, both child and adult, male, female, transgender made of flesh or artificial, Eve 2050 offers a unique glimpse at humans of the future.

Isabelle Van Grimde
The choreographer, founder and artistic director of the Montreal dance company Van Grimde Corps Secrets, Isabelle Van Grimde is a trailblazing figure in international dance. Her interdisciplinary collaborations have expanded the horizons of contemporary dance, opening up a wide range of possible perceptions of the body and staged choreographic work. An open-minded artist-researcher, she conducts basic and applied research on the body, which fuels her artistic approach. In 2011, the Canada Council for the Arts awarded her the Jacqueline Lemieux Prize in recognition of her outstanding contribution to dance in Canada and abroad.
Eve 2050 is directed by DAVAI, a production society.
Pier-Philippe Chevigny
Sound designer
Thom Gossage & DAVAI
Alice Delapierre
Angélique Willkie
Brontë Poiré-Prest
Chi Long
Emmanuelle Martin
Sophie Breton
Felix Cossette
Justin De Luna
Graphic creation
Isabelle Van Grimde
Original Title
Eve 2050