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Le choix de Théo
Thomas Cauvin , Mikael EspinasseDuration
54 MIN
United States

Enter the universe of Theo Brode who, like so many in Louisiana, chose to learn, speak, and preserve the language of their Cajun, Creoles and other French ancestors. Theo’s Choice (Le Choix de Théo) is a 51 minute documentary about French language in South-West Louisiana and the struggle to preserve an endangered heritage through immersion schools in the United States.

Thomas Cauvin
He is an Assistant Professor of History. Born in France, He received his Ph.D. at the European University Institute (Italy) and has taught in France, Ireland, Italy, and the United States. His research focuses on the different uses of the past, memory and museums, historic preservation, and the role of historians in the 20th century. He is also the producer and the director of Theo's Choice, a 51-minute award-winning documentary film on French communities and bilingual education in Louisiana.

Mikael Espinasse
Mikael Espinasse is a french teacher. He is the director and the screenwiter of his first film Theo's Choice.
Théo Brode
Original Title
Le choix de Théo
English Title
Theo's Choice